fredag den 16. december 2011

Tekken 2010

Hvis man kan li at spille tekken og kender personernes special moves så er denne film lige det man skal se. Jeg kan godt lide spillet og filmen, men den bliver aldrig set igen. Så god er den ikke. Det er nu sjovt når barndommens spilfigure får liv og en historie.

Sleep Dealer

En spændende film med masser af følelse uden at blive candyfloss sød og lyserød.

I en nær fremtid hvor grænserne mellem lande er lukket og arbejdere kobles direkte på nettet, til droner 1000'er af kilometer væk, og fattige styres med endnu hårdere hånd end nu.

Her følger Memo (Luis Fernando Peña) Der i en ikke så fjern fremtid sidder og roder med sin hobby radio, i den lille by kaldet Santa Ana del Rio. Her bor han med sin far, mor og bror i et lille hus, med et lille landbrug. Faderen mindes tiden inden dæmningen hvor vandet flød frit i floden og man ikke skulle betale for vand og Memo længes efter forandring. En dag fanger Memo militær kommunikation på sin lille radio og bliver opdaget.Han flygter til byen i håb om at gøre skaden god, og tjene penge til familien. Her møder han Luz (Leonora Varela) Der gennem at sælge sine minder forsøger at klare sig i en verden der stadig ligner vores tid så meget at det ikke er velset at en ung kvinde bor alene uden være gift.

Deres skæbner og følelser vikles sammen i en forudsigeligt, men utroligt velfortalt og fantastisk visuel fortælling. Alex Rivera forstår at skabe den rette stemning med en blanding af personernes minder og aktuelle følelser. Det er ikke enaktionpraæget sci-fi, men ret skræmmende ved eftertanke om konsekvenserne ved en sådan verden. Samtidig med at den tager et meget nutidigt emne op, med landes magtkamp og militæret som løsning. Den sakl ses den dag hvor man gerne vil underholdes med eftertanke. 

mandag den 27. juni 2011


I am trying to reconnect with my own knowledge. To reread and again understand or better to understand the basic veterinarian skills and knowledge. Read it again in a different order. To look everything up so that the order of things comes naturally/anatomically and write it down.  I’m in the start of this project, while I still are seeking for a job. No geographical boundaries keeps me from a job. As long as it is a full time job and for a long period of time, I send an application. I have my kis to think of in terms of moving too much. But now my focus is on reading and writing as well and that keeps me focused ad able to be my very best when I get a job. I tink I will try to follow my own progress by blogging more

søndag den 1. maj 2011

The Start

Why do I feel this urge to tell the world about my thoughts? Why does one make a blog? Can the world live without my blog? Certainly. And yet here I am. Writing to the world. Letting you all in. In to my brain, not always a bright and happy place, but then again it´s often a funny, weird and amusing place.

Right at this point in my life I´m unemployed. Quite a down moment after finishing with my education as a veterinary. It toke me 6½ years and two kids to finish. Now I´m just promoting myself and trying to keep my head and spirit up. I don't get it. Who would not have me, I'm funny, bright, enthusiastic and loyal. I know my practical experience is very sparse. And the biggest obstacle has to be that my fiancé are sailing. 3 weeks out and 3 weeks home. It's not that big of a problem, but no one dares to take the chance and give us a chance to prove me and my family can do anything.

On the optimistic side of life I love being able to give my two boys the peace and stability, they deserve. I love using my time on my fiancé and our dog. Giving our other animals the best love and care.

Besides I'm somewhat of a messy person. Not that I don't want to clean up, I just never had the routine to do it. And that is one of my big things I'm learning myself. To teach oneself new skills is challenging and rewarding.

Maybe I could use this blog to let all my thoughts, frustrations and joy get real in the written word. So maybe the world can live without my blog, but it will be a good thing in my life. :)